we’re cool


We love working with you, which is probably why you love working with us. But just to be crystal, here’s a couple of things we should keep in mind to make sure we keep the whole “Working-With-Each-Other-and-Getting-Amazing-Things-Done-Together” thing going.


we’re cool


We love working with you, which is probably why you love working with us. But just to be crystal, here’s a couple of things we should keep in mind to make sure we keep the whole “Working-With-Each-Other-and-Getting-Amazing-Things-Done-Together” thing going.


Arrive early and you’ll win. Be prepared and you’ll win. Be sharp and ready to rock, and yes, you’ll also win.

  1. Arriving anything more than 30 minutes before call time puts you in the running for coffee, snacks, and other delicious treats on us.

  2. You know that detailed All-Encompassing Production Document™. we painstakingly put together and sent to you before the gig/event? Make sure you’ve read it – and don’t just scan it, study the damn thing.

  3. Be prepared to drop and give 20 if any questions you ask on-site are covered in the aforementioned All-Encompassing Production Document™. If you find something we missed, we’ll drop and give you 20. Fair’s fair.


Whatsapp knows best, think twice before you post from your device, stay charged and respect the space.

  1. Yes, Whatsapp groups are admin but work = admin. Sooooo ya, you will be invited to one. Make sure you follow it/them and if you ever feel lost we’re a call or a message away, any time of day.

  2. Each client has different rules about what can or can’t be shared on social media. Please check with us before you post anything. If you do post though, please tag us on IG: thesquad_events or FB: thesquadeventssouthafrica

  3. Please ensure your phone is on silent and it’s fully charged – shout if your phone battery is less stage 1 loadshedding and more like stage 6 loadshedding. We have the technology to charge anywhere, anytime.

  4. Personal calls are cool, just make sure you take them or make them away from the event – feel the room and respect everyone’s space, please.


Keep it neat and tidy, wear SQUAD merch or if in doubt, black-out.

  1. Your individual style matters, it makes you shine and we love that about you. Now take your style and run it through the “Is-My-Style-Tidy-and-Approachable” filter please. Talk to us about using our filter if yours isn’t available, or about incorporating the event theme into your look. – as outlined in the All-Encompassing Production Document™

  2. Our official uniform for set up day is blue jeans, and on event days it ramps up to smart black pants (or black jeans) and shirts.

  3. Full disclosure: we spend a lot of time and cash on merch to ensure the SQUAD gang looks cool AF, and we want you to look cool AF too. Hit us up, and whenever possible, we’ll hook you up with SQUAD T-shirts.

  4. Sometimes though, clients want us to rep their brand instead of ours and that’s cool. We’ll outline that in the All-Encompassing Production Document™, so keep an eye out for that.

Food, Beverage, etc.

You’ll get fed, stay sober no matter what, and though shalt never, ever, chew gum

  1. The only thing we love more than working with you is feeding you — nothing works well on an empty stomach. 98% of the time, you’ll find mealtimes outlined in the All-Encompassing Production Document™ 2% of the time you won’t and that’s when you check with us if you need to feed yourself before you come or if we’ve made a mistake. (And yes if we made a mistake, we’ll drop and give 20)

  2. Chew gum on site, and you might as well flip Kelly the bird. Don’t. Do. It.

  3. Being under the influence of any legal or illegal substances will earn you the uncoveted “Thanks-For-Coming-But-Leave-Right-Now-Thanks” award. We entrust you with our safety as well as our clients’. With lives, reputations, and well-being at stake, this point is non-negotiable. If anyone offers you a drink or anything else, please clear it with us first.”


Arrive early and you’ll win. Be prepared and you’ll win. Be sharp and ready to rock, and yes, you’ll also win.

  1. Arriving anything more than 30 minutes before call time puts you in the running for coffee, snacks, and other delicious treats on us.

  2. You know that detailed All-Encompassing Production Document™. we painstakingly put together and sent to you before the gig/event? Make sure you’ve read it – and don’t just scan it, study the damn thing.

  3. Be prepared to drop and give 20 if any questions you ask on-site are covered in the aforementioned All-Encompassing Production Document™. If you find something we missed, we’ll drop and give you 20. Fair’s fair.


Whatsapp knows best, think twice before you post from your device, stay charged and respect the space.

  1. Yes, Whatsapp groups are admin but work = admin. Sooooo ya, you will be invited to one. Make sure you follow it/them and if you ever feel lost we’re a call or a message away, any time of day.

  2. Each client has different rules about what can or can’t be shared on social media. Please check with us before you post anything. If you do post though, please tag us on IG: thesquad_events or FB: thesquadeventssouthafrica

  3. Please ensure your phone is on silent and it’s fully charged – shout if your phone battery is less stage 1 loadshedding and more like stage 6 loadshedding. We have the technology to charge anywhere, anytime.

  4. Personal calls are cool, just make sure you take them or make them away from the event – feel the room and respect everyone’s space, please.


Keep it neat and tidy, wear SQUAD merch or if in doubt, black-out.

  1. Your individual style matters, it makes you shine and we love that about you. Now take your style and run it through the “Is-My-Style-Tidy-and-Approachable” filter please. Talk to us about using our filter if yours isn’t available, or about incorporating the event theme into your look. – as outlined in the All-Encompassing Production Document™

  2. Our official uniform for set up day is blue jeans, and on event days it ramps up to smart black pants (or black jeans) and shirts.

  3. Full disclosure: we spend a lot of time and cash on merch to ensure the SQUAD gang looks cool AF, and we want you to look cool AF too. Hit us up, and whenever possible, we’ll hook you up with SQUAD T-shirts.

  4. Sometimes though, clients want us to rep their brand instead of ours and that’s cool. We’ll outline that in the All-Encompassing Production Document™, so keep an eye out for that.

Food, Beverage, etc.

You’ll get fed, stay sober no matter what, and though shalt never, ever, chew gum.

  1. The only thing we love more than working with you is feeding you — nothing works well on an empty stomach. 98% of the time, you’ll find mealtimes outlined in the All-Encompassing Production Document™ 2% of the time you won’t and that’s when you check with us if you need to feed yourself before you come or if we’ve made a mistake. (And yes if we made a mistake, we’ll drop and give 20)

  2. Chew gum on site, and you might as well flip Kelly the bird. Don’t. Do. It.

  3. Being under the influence of any legal or illegal substances will earn you the uncoveted “Thanks-For-Coming-But-Leave-Right-Now-Thanks” award. We entrust you with our safety as well as our clients’. With lives, reputations, and well-being at stake, this point is non-negotiable. If anyone offers you a drink or anything else, please clear it with us first.”


We get thousands of invoices a month, if you invoice before the 25th we’ll pay them and shout if you need us.

  1. It’s not your fault that every month we drown in an endless sea of invoices, and yes, pretty much all of them are marked urgent. But nonetheless, *Deep heavy sigh* here we are, crushing through paperwork with “I will survive” turned up to 11. In order to maximise chances of survival we schedule a special slot of time once a month where we hyper focus on all of them to make sure we smash them, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, nail it, success it, be the best at it, win it, (insert definition of success here).

  2. You know what else we do every month? We pay. And we’re proud of it. Often we’ll pay you before we’ve even been paid – you’re important to us, without you we’d be nowhere. BUT, for us to help you get paid asap, you’ll need to make sure you get invoices to us before the last week of each month (usually around 25th).

  3. Deposits? We’ll do our absolute best to pay those prior to an event. Balance payments will be made 30 days after the event and or once we’ve received final monies from client. If for whatever reason you need payment sooner than that, please please chat to us. We don’t bite — at first, unless you like it — and we’re always ready and willing to make a plan.


We get thousands of invoices a month, if you invoice before the 25th we’ll pay them and shout if you need us.

  1. It’s not your fault that every month we drown in an endless sea of invoices, and yes, pretty much all of them are marked urgent. But nonetheless, *Deep heavy sigh* here we are, crushing through paperwork with “I will survive” turned up to 11. In order to maximise chances of survival we schedule a special slot of time once a month where we hyper focus on all of them to make sure we smash them, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, nail it, success it, be the best at it, win it, (insert definition of success here).

  2. You know what else we do every month? We pay. And we’re proud of it. Often we’ll pay you before we’ve even been paid – you’re important to us, without you we’d be nowhere. BUT, for us to help you get paid asap, you’ll need to make sure you get invoices to us before the last week of each month (usually around 25th).

  3. Deposits? We’ll do our absolute best to pay those prior to an event. Balance payments will be made 30 days after the event and or once we’ve received final monies from client. If for whatever reason you need payment sooner than that, please please chat to us. We don’t bite — at first, unless you like it — and we’re always ready and willing to make a plan.